In every shitty experience lies a seed.
When I’m in the middle of the struggle, I don’t see the seed. I only see a big pile of shit everywhere I look.
Sometimes I even forget that the seed is there. I start to believe the stories I tell myself of how shitty I am, and why shit always happens to me, and what it means, and how it proves how shitty I am. So I add some more shit on top of the big pile of shit.
Then I remember: this pile of shit is not forever. None of them are. It will break down and turn into compost, as soon as I stop adding more shit by making up stories about it.
So I take a deep breath. I accept the shit. I welcome it. I welcome all the feelings that come with it. And so the composting starts.
And suddenly I see it: the seed that was in there all along. It starts to sprout and grow into something new.
A beautiful new plant, that would’ve never seen the light if it wasn’t for the shit it grew from.
At the end of each moon cycle I look at where shit has turned into compost, that will nurture the seeds I plant with the new moon.
What have I learnt from my experiences this month?
What can I integrate and take with me into the next cycle?
#mooncycling #waningmoon #moonmagic #alchemizing