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PRIMAL PLAY - låt kroppen tala (1)

sön 17 mars


Ungdomens hus sal 19 (4 vån)

Du är varmt välkommen in i leken där vi låter kroppen tala och möts bortom ord & tanke.

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PRIMAL PLAY - låt kroppen tala (1)
PRIMAL PLAY - låt kroppen tala (1)

Time & Location

17 mars 2024 14:00 – 17:00 CET

Ungdomens hus sal 19 (4 vån), Torpgatan 21, 211 52 Malmö, Sverige


About the event

Här möts vi för att varva ner och landa i kroppen tillsammans, i ett tillåtande fält av nyfiket utforskande samvaro.

Vi börjar med en mjuk landing i kroppen genom rörelse och andning, för att sedan börja tona in oss på kroppen inre kompass - så att vi kan mötas i vårt ja och nej, ögonblick till ögonblick.

Resten av eftermiddagen ägnas åt flera rundor av primal play, en relationell kroppsmeditation där du får möta dig själv och andra på nya sätt.

Vi pausar lite längre i mitten för att dela medhavda godsaker och umgås.

Tillsammans beger vi oss på en somatisk resa där varje möte blir en inbjudan till djup närvaro och förundran.

Primal play är ett fantastiskt sätt att fördjupa kontakten med din kropp, lära känna dina gränser, återupptäcka din lekfullhet och få tillgång till mer öppenhet & nyfikenhet i mötet med andra.

* Varje övning är en inbjudan och du uppmuntras och påminns att känna in ditt inre ja och nej under hela kvällen.

* Du kan välja att komma ensam eller med en partner och välja att göra övningarna tillsammans eller var och en för sig.

* Medtag ditt favorit snacks att dela med dig av i pausen.


Drop in 13:45-13:55 Start 14:00 - dörrarna stängs.

Ha sköna kläder som du kan röra dig fritt i och ta med en vattenflaska + ditt favoritsnacks att dela på.


Jag önskar göra det möjligt för så många som möjligt att kunna delta i mina events och har därför en skala för biljettpriserna. Känn in vad som möter dig bäst där du är.

*Om du är arbetslös, student eller ekonomiskt utsatt finns det möjlighet att få ett rabatterat pris genom att kontakta mig direkt.

200kr ekonomiskt utmanad 

300kr ekonomiskt balanserad

400kr ekonomiskt överflöd


”Ida gives us a space for relational healing that is not only gracious but also safe. She is acutely aware of the importance of a trauma-aware practice, and has a vast array of experience to draw from in her work.” / Anna

"I am so relieved I took the decision to attend the Relational Laboratory. As a person who have had difficulties feeling my boundaries I am now able to embody them which has led to some quite extraordinary uplevels in my close relationships. I found the whole experience quite challenging but the rewards FAR exceeded the cost. Definitely doing it again. Highly recommend it to everyone. Everyone needs this." / Linnéa

“Through these workshops I discovered a new way of being. I was re-introduced to feeling my body and using it as an additional tool to make more informed choices about where I really want my life to go, moment to moment. The exercises are also perfectly used outside the workshop to come closer to people in my life.” / Sotiris

"So grateful to be a part of this! I was so touched to witness the gentle unfolding that happened around and inside me, people opening like flowers in your so very lovingly held space. Thank you thank you thank you!" / Annika

"Thank you for a beautifully held connection circle yesterday. It felt huge to be a part of and witness the authentic connections that took place under your holding of the space.I feel richer as a result from what I got to experience and I’m looking forward to the next circle”. / Mats, participant


Ida kallar sig ofta för relationsentusiast, eftersom hon älskar att utforska olika former av relaterande och ser relationer som en möjlighet för utveckling, läkning och evolution. I sitt arbete stöttar hon individer, grupper, par och föräldrar att lära känna sitt nervsystem, förstärka sin relation med sin egen kropp och fördjupa sina relationer.

Ida har en bakgrund som Mindfulness instruktör, hälsocoach och body worker och utbildar sig just nu inom trauma läkning till Somatic Experiencing practitioner. Hon är deltagit, assisterat och inspirerats inom Embodied Intimacy de senaste 4,5 åren.

Idas största läromästare är visdomen som lever i våra kroppar och hur den är direkt länkad till visdomen som lever i naturen. Hon önskar bidra till att vi kommer ihåg denna länk så att vi kan leva våra liv i samklang med naturen.


Gå gärna in och kika i eventet emellanåt för inspiration och uppdateringar. Bjud gärna in vänner du tror skulle uppskattta att delta.


Upp till en vecka föra eventet återbetalas 50% om du avbokar, efter det är biljetter ej återbetalningsbar. Du är välkommen att skänka eller sälja din biljett till någon annan om du får förhinder, eller använda den på en annan workshop med mig inom 3 månader.


Jag uppmuntrar självansvar på mina event, vilket innebär att jag litar på att du inte kommer om du är sjuk, har symptom eller nyligen varit i kontakt med någon som har.


Skriv gärna i evenet på FB om du kan  erbjuda eller söker efter samåkning.


Om du har några frågor eller funderingar så når du mig bäst via FB eller:

*** Description in English ***

You are invited to join us for a playful and nourishing afternoon, a place to land in your body and create a permission field to explore and play.

We start with some guided slow movement to land in your body and practice tuning into you inner guidance system, so that we can connect to each other within our own boundaries.

The rest of the afternoon is dedicated to primal play - an relational embodiement pracitce where you get to meet yourself and others in new ways.

Together we’ll go on an embodied journey where each encounter is the gateway to deep presence and pure wonder.

This practice is a great way to become more attuned to your body & boundaries, to move through relational tension, to connect with your inner child & playfulness and to become more curious & open in connection with others.

* Every exercise is an invitation and you are invited and reminded to feel into your boundaries throughout the evening.

* You can choose to come alone or with a partner and do the practice together or not.


Arrival time 13:45-13:55 Starting time 14:00!

Wear comfortable clothes that you can move freely in, bring a water bottle + your favorite snack to share in the break.


I want to make it possible for everyone to attend my events, so I offer a sliding scale for tickets. Feel into what mets you the best whre you´re at.

200kr finacially challenged   

300kr finacially balanced   

400kr finacially abundant

All human beings are welcome regardless of previous experience, relationship status & gender.

The event will be held in English unless the whole group speaks swedish.


“Through these workshops I discovered a new way of being. I was re-introduced to feeling my body and using it as an additional tool to make more informed choices about where I really want my life to go, moment to moment. The exercises are also perfectly used outside the workshop to come closer to people in my life.” / Sotiris

"Thank you for a beautifully held connection circle yesterday. It felt huge to be a part of and witness the authentic connections that took place under your holding of the space.I feel richer as a result from what I got to experience and I’m looking forward to the next circle”. / Mats, participant


Deep down most of us long to relate more authentically: to feel met, seen & heard by one another while expressing our authentic self. Yet somehow we all struggle with it, in our awkward and sweet humaneness.

Our nervous system is wired to protect us from hurt, so we have developed coping mechanisms and relational patterns that start operating as soon as we feel unsafe - which is more often than not in a relational context.

As long as our nervous system does not feel safe we cannot be fully open, feel empathy or curiosity about others or dare to express our needs, boundaries & desires.

We are not fully there, so how can we expect to be fully met?

If we start to relate with our nervous system instead of against it, we can develop a sense of safety from within ourselves that then enables more authenticity, trust & vulnerability in our relationships.

Relating with our nervous system means gently training our somatic awareness so that we can start to recognize the state of our nervous system and notice our unmet needs.

It also means learning how to regulate our nervous system, observing when our coping mechanisms & relational patterns come up and meeting them with curiosity and empathy so that they can start to dissolve.

From this place we can start to relate with more of us present, which means that there is more of us here to be met and loved.

This is what Somatic Relating is all about.


Ida is here to reconnect you to the deep wisdom of your body and your true nature. She perceives herself as a relationship enthusiast and sees relationships as a possibility for both mutual and individual growth.

Ida creates group fields in which our bodies guide us to a place where our hearts can meet, our nervous systems feel safe and all parts of us feel welcome.

She draws inspiration and knowledge from Somatic Experiencing, Mindfulness, Circling, Embodied Intimacy and attachment theory in her work and always leaves room for the unique wisdom of the group to guide her.

HOW TO GET HERE: Go to Torpgatan 21 and in through the big entrance, then through the first door on the left and up all the stairs to the top floor.


Come check out the FB event regularly for updates, inspiration and information before the event. You are also welcomed to invite your friends that might appreciate this exploration.

CANCELLATION POLICY  Up until one week before the event we refund 50% if you have to cancel your ticket, after that tickets are non refundable. You are welcome to gift or sell your ticket to someone else if you can’t make it or use it at another one of our circles within the next 3 months. You can come to any workshop without having attended one before.

HEALTH POLICY  We encourage self responsibility at our events, which means we trust that you don’t come if you are sick, have any symptoms or have been in recent contact with someone that does.

COMUNAL TRANSPORT  Ungdomens hus is 5-7min walk from the bus stop Spångatan and the trainstation Triangeln.

PARKING  You can usually find parking on the streets nearby.

CARPOOLING  Post in the event on FB if you can offer a ride or want a ride from some of the cities close by.

CONTACT  If you have any questions please reach out to me on FB or at: If you have trouble finding the place you can reach me at 073-2081825 up until starting time


  • Ekonomiskt utmanad

    200,00 kr
    Tax: Moms included
    Sale ended
  • Ekonomiskt överflöd

    400,00 kr
    Tax: Moms included
    Sale ended
  • Ekonomiskt balanserad

    300,00 kr
    Tax: Moms included
    Sale ended


0,00 kr

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