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UNWOUND - a new years RE:TREAT with Camilla Steen Larsen

fre 30 dec.


Yoga Kendra

Embodied Permission: Unwound - conscious relating through movement and ceremony.

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UNWOUND - a new years RE:TREAT with Camilla Steen Larsen
UNWOUND - a new years RE:TREAT with Camilla Steen Larsen

Time & Location

30 dec. 2022 18:00 CET – 31 dec. 2022 13:00 CET

Yoga Kendra, Friisgatan 6C, 211 46 Malmö, Sverige


About the event

Embodied Permission: Unwound

- conscious relating through movement and ceremony.

Unwind [ən-​ˈwau̇nd]

:I to undo or be undone after winding or being wound. To relax after a period of work or tension.

Camilla calls embodied permission a Loveolution.

We will move in to move out. Go down to move up. Rest our roots to water.

Through the body we meet and simply keep up with the conscious stream of words from the body - movements land unedited onto the canvas of life as we move to fill and empty fully.

In the unzipping of our souls not only are we needed in our fumbling, we are so necessary as we meet the world heart first.

What desires to be written through you and as you, a story of this now is freed -  your voice untethered.

We practice keeping a soft gaze within a 360° view and go from the achievement - quite exhausting at times - based "by me” consciousness to “through me" and "as me”. Real-ease becomes our inner compass needle.

We imbue pleasure into dissolving disappointments of the past, our bad assery of doingness and we invite open curiosity to allow and receive that which is already in movement.

Our masculine and feminine essences meet in a sacred union as we loosen the tight grip of learnt ways - the floodgates widens for both the masculine Go and the feminine Flow.

We will include the year drawing to a close in our movement ceremony. We move with music as well as to the big sound of silence.

An amazing last Friday evening and Saturday morning of this year awaits where we will move, sit, be, see and be seen in our everythingness - unwound.

You do not have to have any prior experience in conscious movement - Bring your soft bellied bodies and open hearts and you will be extra prepared.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions:



Unwound: December 30 & 31st

Friday: 18:00-21:00

Saturday: 11-13

Expressions of love in the form of money

Friday + Saturday 700kr

Friday only 430kr

Saturday 350kr

Facebook event:

About Camilla:

Camilla Steen Larsen woman, teacher, mentor and Loveolutionaire. She is the embodiment of pleasure and play with 30 year+ experience through conscious movement to give permission for the language of the body.

"Dance was my preferred language from I was three years old. Embodied Permission was birthed through me for us to relax open and follow ourselves home. Through self love and self leadership we listen to the dance beginning from below the skin taken out and beyond.



  • RE:TREAT YOURSELF (fri+sat)

    700,00 kr
    Tax: Moms included
    Sold Out
  • UNWOUND Friday evening

    430,00 kr
    Tax: Moms included
    Sale ended
  • UNWOUND Saturday morning

    350,00 kr
    Tax: Moms included
    Sale ended


0,00 kr

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